
First of all we would like to welcome every visitor of this blog and explain what 'A Brief History of: The Dickens Inn' is about. We have been developing a project to find information on buildings around London in order to get to know more about their part in shaping the exciting and historical city London is today.

Our project's focus point has been the Dickens Inn for several weeks. During these weeks we have been researching and visiting St. Katharine's dock in order to familiarize with the zone, the people and the culture in general. This blog will be a journal about our progress and any historical connotations we discover while studying the area and the Dickens Inn.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Pub Crawls

Cittie of Yorke

The Cittie of Yorke is a pub located on High Holborn, the current building is the result of the rebuilding in the 1920's but the site on which it stands has served as a pub since 1430.

The Prospect of Whitby

This is a famous historic pub in the banks of the river Thames at Wrapping. It claims to being the site of the oldest riverside tavern. Dating from 1520. It was formerly known as the Devıl's Tavern because of it's shady reputation. Before being given such a macabre name it was officially called a quite different name: The Pelican, home to sailors, smugglers, cut throats and footpads. All that's remaining from the building's earliest period is the 400 year old stone floor.

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